Friday, October 10, 2008

BEARVSSHARK - Terrorhawk

Equal Vision Records – 2005

Edginess makes all of the difference, a sharp, slicing sensibility which lives deeply within the soul of the music that Bearvsshark create, but this edginess alone cannot stop the bands drawn out and downright dull songs from becoming boring.

People figured out long ago that there is more to music that beating on instruments formlessly. The key to a great song lies in its performance, memorability and originality, but Bearvsshark come off like the drunken guy that’s up trying to sing karaoke at 1:55 am.

While they do manage to make a spectacle of themselves, it’s not exactly the type of attention that they may have been seeking to begin with. “Terrorhawk” lacks direction; its loose flowing jams might make it with a more talented singer but the noodling ends up as completely vacant without a frontman that can bring it all together.

Essentially abstract crap for the college kids to waste time with, the songs here are without focus and the distinct amateur feel imparted by jams like “Heard From Bug, “They’re Coming To Town” gives you the impression that these dorky melodies were drummed up in a drugged out haze in a studio somewhere that had little better to do that organize a jam for locals.

Ultimately, this record does not signify that this act is anything that people would be willing to check out for anything less than free. Bearvsshark might be honed in at pulling any old thing directly from their ass, but it takes much more to make music interesting than that. Duller than dull.


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